About Us
Will of the People Constitutional Authority Board
Who We Are
Will of the People Constitutional Authority Board is:
a nonpartisan constitutional compliance agency that restores government accountability for equitable opportunity (economics and status) and liberties (rights and freedoms) when threatened by federal laws, acts, and position of powers not authorized of the Constitution. We are delegated this authority in answer to grievance of the people.
Will of the People Constitutional Authority Board exists to enforce the attempts by the people to have government be answerable for oversteps and respond to grievances upon the people. Will of the People C. A. B. is guided by two principles of law in its constitutional duty to honor the will of the people: make restitution for grievances unmet, and offer attainable fairness afforded by the law (equity) when the grievance is irresolvable.
Will of the People Constitutional Authority is a constitutionally-ordered governmental board granted powers of the people whose mission is to return the government to the Constitution and restore liberties and property to the people. Tenth Amendment powers of the people include revoking consent to be governed (return federal power to a constitutional government by the people) and other appropriate and responsible means of enforcing rights and freedoms of the people that resist all forms of tyranny and oppression by government and any corrupt or exclusionary practice.
Will of the People Constitutional Authority Board was called upon to enforce the petition made in Continental Congress in 2012, followed by the people-initiated Federal Recall Election. Will of the People C. A. B. continued with contempt proceedings and compliance notices after courts refused the order of higher law and federal officers failed in their duty to post notices calling for the removal of officials ineligible for office. Obstruction or mismanagement of a bonafide election does not make it any less legal. This still places Donald J. Trump's election in question. As a point of law, officials recalled must leave before any election may be enforceable.
(See publications available on our Fall page for detailed explanation or our modern Declaration of grievances. See our FAQ's page for any questions.)

We The People.
It is Our Heritage, Our Right, Our Fight ~ For Freedom.
Because YOUR Civil Liberties Matter!